Nurture My Body Q & A

Q: How do I Store Nurture My Body Products?

A: Simply keep your products out of direct sunlight and extreme temperature changes. A cool, cool and dark place is best.

Q: Why does my replacement product look and smell different from the last time I ordered it?

A: Due to the fact that we work with nature and create our products in small batches, the color and aroma of a product may vary slightly from one bottle to the next.

Q: My organic product separated. Did it go bad?

A: When we formulate we do so with the desire to use the least inert ingredients possible. At times your washes, shampoos or lotions may separate. No worries, your product did not go bad any more than an oil and vinegar salad dressing that separates. All is needed is to just shake it up and it will re-coagulate.

Q: Are Nurture My Body products pH Balanced?

A: Nurture My Body products are range from a level of 5 to 5.5.



問:如何貯存Nurture My Body產品?



答:Nurture My Body 非常著重道德和誠信。產品裝填方式不是使用昂貴的機器而是以人手按重量(不是按體積)裝填。裝填程序: 將空瓶置於磅上後將讀數置零,然後依照官網和產品標籤上發佈的重量逐個瓶子填充。所以同樣是60ml,粘度較厚產品看上去比粘度較薄的產品份量少。相反粘度較薄的產品份看上便比粘度較厚的產品看來份量多。


答:Nurture My Body的產品採用來自大自然的植物成份小批製造,所以每批產品的顏色和香氣可能輕微差異。




答:Nurture My Body產品的pH值範圍從5到5.5。